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Update on Sewing classes - October 2023
We have been working with women in San Pedro Itzicán, teaching basic sewing, since 2018.
We are so grateful to Sofia of Fiaga Boutique in Ajijic, for joining us so many times, to show the women how to use and maintain the sewing machines, and teach them the basics of sewing.
When we first had access to the San Pedro Government owned Community Center in November 2021, the sewing machines there were really dirty, had parts broken or missing, and generally were in poor shape.
But as they were all the same model machine, it was a lot easier to run a class, because all the machines were thread in the same way.

Despite all the time and money we spent getting the government machines working - taking them for repair - tested and returned to San Pedro - we found they would work for a few months and then have a problem again. We decided they were not great machines! It caused a lot of frustration for everyone in the class when a machine stopped working and everyone had to take turns using the machines.
The sewing machines that belong to Poco a Poco had been very neglected during Covid, due to the storage areas that were locked up. They are also all different makes and models and each one has it's own way of threading, etc. So that was always a challenge for the teachers and students. We need some to review them and fix them for later use in our own Community Center.
Our thanks to Beverly Letourneau, who came with us in November 2021 with a pattern she had made for pajama pants in three sizes for children. Thanks also to Days for Girls, who donated a huge amount of flannel fabric. This was an excellent class and the women made lots of pajama pants which they took home for family and friends, and was perfect timing for the chilly nights ahead.
In November 2022 we introduced two new patterns for the women to learn. Making door stops and garafone (big water jugs) covers. We sell the garafon covers and door stops at Kinda Bazaar in Riberas, and at Simply Joyful Restaurant and Bar in Ajijic.

In February, 2023, the local government decided that they would renovate the sewing room and run their own sewing program at the CDC Community Center building. They asked us to move our supplies, which we did. We gave all the students a set of sewing supplies and tools, to help them take part in the new program.
In July the government found an industrial firm who pays the women for piece work to be sewn, and they provided industrial sewing machines and guidance.
We are pleased we helped these women learn the basics and encouraged them to sew, and happy for the ones who are now earning money to help feed and support their families.
Our volunteers are now making the door stops and water garrafon covers. They are for sale at Kinda Bazaar and Kinda Not in Riberas, and Simply Joyful Restaurant and Bar in Ajijic.
This helps us raise general funds for Poco a Poco.
We also sell 100% cotton, hand-made dishcloths, in both locations (also knitted by our volunteers).
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