English lessons
We started ESL classes in 2019, thanks to David Ellison, a Stanford University trained teacher, who created a structured English class for the youth in San Juan Tecomatlan, Mezcala and San Pedro Itzicán. He, together with Ron Robertson and many other wonderful volunteers, taught the youth in person (or on Zoom during covid), on Saturdays.
Over time, we found there were mixed results in teaching the children and adults because of the different education levels in the towns. Many students did not understand the concepts of their own language so it was difficult to teach them. And sadly over time, fewer students were attending the classes and none would study. So reluctantly we ended these classes in 2023.

Despite this lack of success, in 2024, a new volunteer, Mark Skrivanek, has been coming on Monday mornings to teach the young children (2-12 years of age) at our community center in San Pedro Itzicán, the basics of English. The children are there anyway waiting for lunch, so they enjoy having Mark come to teach them. Thank you for doing this Mark (and Julia Karns who sometimes comes to help too)!
Poco a Poco is so grateful to David and Ron for taking on this program.

Do you remember that special teacher that would spend time helping you? David is one of those teachers....